WWE 2K23


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AWWWWW WWE UNIVERSE! DON'T YOU DARE BE SOUR! Because in WWE 2K23, we have added a collection of ADVANCED GAMEPLAY SLIDERS which provide a new level of tuning control for systems such as pins and submissions. In response to your feedback, we've renamed some of these sliders to make them more clear. In this blog, we'll break down exactly how the sliders work and how to make use of them to customize your experience.

On behalf of the dev team, we appreciate your feedback and support towards making WWE 2K23 even stronger!

Note: The Advanced Gameplay settings can be found in the Gameplay panel of the Options tab in the Main Menu. From there, tab to the Advanced section.

Main Menu


Pin Difficulty


  • ON: The pin mini-game starts locked when attempted immediately after a Finisher. After the ref counts to one, the mini-game unlocks and can be played with time left in the count.
  • OFF: The pin mini-game can be played for the duration of the ref count.

When using the sliders below, consider how strongly each Signature or Finisher should influence pin difficulty according to whether it happened recently (within the last few seconds) or previously in the match.

  • Sliders with (PLAYER) affect pins where the Defender is a Player.
  • Sliders with (AI) affect pins where the Defender is AI.

RECENT FINISHER INFLUENCE (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the amount that a Finisher hit within the last few seconds factors into a pin’s difficulty.

PREVIOUS FINISHER INFLUENCE (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the amount that a Finisher hit later than the last few seconds factors into pin difficulty.

  • This slider is used for the first two Finishers that a Superstar is hit with.

PREVIOUS FINISHER INFLUENCE 3+ (PLAYER, AI): The same as Previous Finisher Influence, but specifically used for the 3rd Finisher and beyond.

RECENT SIGNATURE INFLUENCE (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the amount that a Signature hit within the last few seconds factors into pin difficulty.

PREVIOUS SIGNATURE INFLUENCE (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the amount that a Signature hit later than the last few seconds factors into pin difficulty.

  • This slider is used for the first two Signatures.

PREVIOUS SIGNATURE INFLUENCE 3+ (PLAYER, AI): The same as Previous Signature Influence, but specifically used for the 3rd Signature and beyond.

POST-KICKOUT DAMAGE RECOVERY (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the impact of lasting body damage while recovering after a kickout. This slider does not affect recovery times.


Timed Pin Mini-Game

The behavior of the Timed Pin Mini-Game is determined by the difficulty of the pin attempt (which can be tuned in PIN DIFFICULTY SETTINGS). The following sliders allow you to tune the behavior of the mini-game for three different ranges of pin difficulty: Easy, Moderate, and Difficult.

EASY PIN INDICATOR FLAG SPEED: Adjusts the speed of the indicator flag for pin attempts that are unlikely to end the match.

MODERATE PIN INDICATOR FLAG SPEED: Adjusts the speed of the indicator flag when the pin is challenging, but favors the Defender kicking out.

DIFFICULT PIN INDICATOR FLAG SPEED: Adjusts the speed of the indicator flag when the pin attempt could potentially end the match.

EASY PIN KICKOUT ZONE SIZE: Adjusts the size of the kickout zone for pin attempts in situations that are unlikely to end the match.

MODERATE PIN KICKOUT ZONE SIZE: Adjusts the size of the kickout zone when the pin attempt is challenging, but favors the Defender kicking out.

DIFFICULT PIN KICKOUT ZONE SIZE: Adjusts the size of the kickout zone when the pin attempt could potentially end the match.

EASY PIN KICKOUT ZONE SPEED: Adjusts the speed of the kickout zone movement for pin attempts in situations that are unlikely to end the match.

MODERATE PIN KICKOUT ZONE SPEED: Adjusts the speed of the kickout zone movement when the pin attempt is challenging, but favors the Defender kicking out.

DIFFICULT PIN KICKOUT ZONE SPEED: Adjusts the speed of the kickout zone movement when the pin attempt could potentially end the match.


Submission Mini-Game

Like with Pin Difficulty sliders, we felt it would offer more control over the Submission Mini-Game settings to separate the Player and AI sliders in-game.

ATTACKER CANCEL THRESHOLD (PLAYER): When ON, Player Attackers have a window of opportunity to cancel the submission mini-game before the opponent can escape. When OFF, the submission can be canceled by the Attacker at any point.

ATTACKER BUTTON PRESS STRENGTH (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the base strength of the Attacker’s button press during the submission mini-game.

ATTACKER WRONG PRESS PENALTY (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the strength of the penalty applied when the Attacker presses a different button than the one shown in the minigame.

DEFENDER BUTTON PRESS STRENGTH (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the base strength of the Defender’s button press during the submission mini-game.

DEFENDER WRONG PRESS PENALTY (PLAYER, AI): Adjusts the strength of the penalty applied when the Defender presses a different button than the one shown in the minigame.


We are all so proud and excited about the reception we’ve received from fans and critics, with WWE 2K23 becoming the highest-rated game in franchise history.

With the introduction of WarGames, the ‘You Can’t Beat Me!” Showcase focused on John Cena’s 20-year career, expanded features, and new DLC content yet to come, there’s no better time to step through the virtual ropes than right now.

See you all in the ring!