《WWE 2K23》补丁1.17 8/23/23
Ding, ding - a new update to WWE 2K23.
The latest hotfix (Patch 1.17) includes the following:
- Added imagery related to upcoming MyFACTION events
- Addressed reported concerns related to Forearm Smash 7, allowing it to now be used as a Signature or Finisher
- Addressed reported concerns related to Right Jab 2 in Create-A-Move so it consistently makes contact with opponent
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.16 8/15/23
WWE 2K23 Patch 1.16 Notes
- Added support for Bad News U DLC pack
- Addressed reported concerns that may have prevented “The Silencer” move from consuming a signature/Finisher stock
- Improved saving consistency when editing divisions
- Addressed reported concerns regarding superstar duplication when creating a Mixed Gender Tag match
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.13 7/18/23
WWE 2K23 Patch 1.13 Notes
We’re live pal! The latest patch for WWE 2K23 is available now and includes the following updates:
- Polish updates for multiple WWE Superstars
- Various stability improvements
- Added support for Revel with Wyatt DLC pack
- Addressed reported concerns related to the Mandible Claw 2 move
- Addressed reported concerns related to the tag team finisher not displaying
- Addressed reported concerns of rendering issues that would arise after getting pinned while using the rapid pin mini-game
- Addressed reported concerns related to title belts missing during certain entrances.
- Addressed reported concerns related to adjusting controller assignments during elimination match types
- Online stability improvements
- Community Creations stability improvements
- Addressed reported concerns related to display problems for the RAW Women's title when custom side plates were used.
- Improved Overall Stability
- AI players tougher on ‘Hard’ difficulty level (requires new save for full effect)
- Added Sami Zayn’s “Worlds Apart” theme song to Create An Entrance
- Patch 1.14 to follow and include additional card assets
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.12 6/13/23
WWE 2K23 – Patch 1.12 6/13/23
穿上战靴,带着《WWE 2K23》的最新补丁走上擂台。补丁1.12包括以下内容:
- 为多个WWE超级巨星添加润色
- 多种游戏稳定性优化
- 添加了对角逐NXT DLC包的支持。
- 解决了所反馈的在游戏过程中路障被打破时发生崩溃的问题
- 解决了当“2 out of 3 Falls”的获胜条件开启时比赛规则未能被正确应用的问题
- 解决了关于在双冠军战中只显示一个冠军的问题
- 提高了多种创建模式的稳定性
- 解决了所反馈的自定义竞技场中道具未正确保存的问题
- 一般兼容性和稳定性错误修复
- 解决了保留者明星的士气和体力在赛季结束时不重置的问题
- 一般性错误修复
- 解决了NXT英国女子冠军宣布有误的问题
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.10 - 5/16/23
- Added Mia Yim and Candice LeRae as playable Superstars
- Addressed reported concerns where Superstars might warp or clip
- Addressed reported concerns of reversals not triggering
- Addressed reported concerns of managers not appearing for Player 2
- Addressed reported concerns of users being unable to perform the Tombstone Piledriver
- Addressed reported concerns of users ending up in an infinite run
- Addressed reported concerns of jittering when breaking out of entrances
- Addressed reported concerns of running springboards not connecting
- Addressed reported concerns of limb damage not being accurate
- Adjusted AI navigation
- Addressed reported concerns involving Zoey Stark’s running knee when performed at ringside
- An attacker will now properly fall through the top of The Cell during Suplex City
- Diving attacks on the announcers' table can now be interrupted before the attacker climbs the top rope
- Adjusted the breakout timing on Leg Sweep 2
- Re-implemented exhausted Finishers using the new Fatigue system
- Improved stability in online matches
- Improved overall experience when joining a session or accepting an invite
- Improved overall experience with Community Creations uploads and downloads
- Improved stability when using customized content in online matches
- Improved experience when resetting teams or participants in online lobbies
- Improved stability within multiple Create modes
- Addressed reported concerns with the video preview within Create-an-Entrance
- Addressed reported concerns related to applying images, patterns, and movies in Create-an-Arena
- Created Championship names will now appear during in-game entrances
- Addressed reported concerns of the color picker freezing in Create-a-Superstar
- Improved overall consistency when creating custom arenas
- Improved overall stability
- Addressed reported concerns of certain trios transitioning to tag Create-a-Victory
- Addressed reported concerns where deleting shows caused issues with Rivalry action
- Addressed reported concerns of the Rivalry actions menu appearing blank when editing an in-progress show
- Superstars that win the Royal Rumble will now properly be booked in a title match at Wrestlemania
- Naturally occurring managers will now properly appear on the match card
- Addressed formatting when playing in Arabic
- Addressed reported concerns of title belts not appearing consistently during entrances
- Addressed reported concerns of display issues when using Contract Negotiation Power
- Added trophy silhouettes in Career Standing to make it easier to see how close a player is to getting to 10
- Improved presentation of Rivalry level increase
- Addressed reported concerns of official tag team partners not having good chemistry at all times
- Addressed reported concerns of a crash when participating in a Season with a full roster of Created Superstars
- General fixes and improvements
- General fixes and improvements
- Updated Dana Brooke’s entrance music
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.08 - 4/19/23
穿上战靴,带着《WWE 2K23》的最新更新走上擂台。补丁1.08包括以下更改和改进:
- 添加了Damage CTRL系列的入口
- 几个超级巨星的再度更新
- 对电脑对手进行了各种改进
- AI pin 尝试解决玩家反馈的频率降低
- 改进了电脑对手执行反弹攻击的能力,尤其是招牌动作
- 将“南极光过肩”摔更名为“小丑摔”
- 增加闪避趋势电脑对手属性的有效性
- 改进了进行拐角充能攻击的电脑对手的逻辑
- 解决了王者大战中角色可能在逆转过程中滚过绳索的问题
- 解决了玩家反馈的有关电脑对手使用与主要招牌动作相同的位置时无法执行其次要招牌动作的问题
- 删除了战争游戏中的限制(现在可以不受限从笼子顶部跳到躺在桌子上的对手身上)。
- 添加了UI以帮助阐明玩家在战争游戏和普通双打比赛中何时将控制权交换给不同的队友
- 提高了在线比赛的稳定性。
- 改进了加入或接受邀请时的整体体验。
- 改进了Community Creations上传和下载的整体体验。
- 超级巨星现在将在所有在线淘汰赛中显示为已淘汰。
- 由于玩家反馈的在线游戏过程中可能会出现的一个问题,我们暂时仅在Xbox One上禁用了8人在线游戏。目前我们正在测试修复程序,并将尽快发布补丁。
- 提高了所有多种创建模式的整体稳定性
- 提高了CAS在创建具有最大部件数的CAS角色时以及长时间创建会话期间的稳定性
- 解决了玩家反馈的有关创建相关成就未被正确授予的问题
- 提高竞争和竞争结果的稳定性
- 对匹配逻辑进行改进
- 提高整体Universe的稳定性
- 解决了玩家反馈的有关取消资格后播放赛后过场动画的问题。
- 提高了购买多张能量卡时的稳定性,并解决了某些能量卡激活时间的问题。
- 提高了之后的赛季和选择保留者的过程中的稳定性。
- 解决了玩家反馈的日记条目显示不正确的问题。
- 前几周改进了戏剧功能。
- 改进了赛季排名显示的一致性。
- 允许经理将三重威胁赛和四人死斗赛设置为冠军战。
- 在快速游戏中激活的徽章
- 解决了玩家反馈的与总体稳定性相关的问题
- 解决了The Lock的“Faction Forming”和The Legacy的“Make Your (Brief)Case”故事情节中“Front Running Grapple”目标可能无法完成的问题
- 解决了玩家报告的“The Legacy”故事流程相关的问题,该问题导致玩家进入Dynamic HUB并没有故事线可玩。这个流程是从选择“Turn on Ava”开始,然后进入“A Good Inv-EST-ment”故事线。请注意,该修复只会在未来的存档栏位中对报告的问题有效。
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.04 - 3/23/23
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.04现已上线,其中包括对游戏的一些稳定性改进。
- 解决了被报告的关于长时间自定义时Create-A-Superstar中可能发生崩溃的问题
- 解决了被报告的关于PlayStation 5和PC上可能发生的与内存相关的崩溃问题
- 解决了MyFACTION中报告的漏洞
- 解决了被报告的MyRISE中玩家将被送回主菜单而不是继续故事线的问题
《WWE 2K23》补丁1.03 - 3/16/23
带着《WWE 2K23》的升级补丁1.03走上擂台:
- 发布日的优化和稳定性修复。
- CAS 部件兼容性的改进。
- 改进了超级巨星与地面物体的互动。